Today's WX was very warm. It was around 20C at noon and still 16C in the mid night now in Tokyo.
The WX forecast said "Haru-Ichi-Ban" or a spring gust may blow from this mid night to early tomorrow morning.
It was happy to hear such spring call today.
Another happy thing was, WBL V22 model paddle has been arrived from Steve, N6TT.
One week ago, we talked about key collections on the air, I said I have more than 10 keys then he said he has 100!! :-)
And he was kindly offered me to try his spare WBL paddle.
WBL model V22 is a vertical two lever two spring iambic paddle.
As soon as I connected it by stereo RCA cable with FT2KD and send some CQ on 7026KHz.
And as I expected Steve replied to my CQ then I could say my sincere thanks to him on the air.
For these few years I've been used to operate magnetic model but this spring model is still excellent and feel silky smooth.
Especially the original owner's callsign was sealed top of the paddle. It's KH7M. I surprised again to find that callsign. Because KH7M, Jim was my code buddy when I applied the code buddy program of FISTS club about 7 years ago.
According to my log, I worked with Jim 4 times on 15m band from Feb to Mar, 2003 as a code practice.
His signal was always decent but mine was not so strong then, we quited our sked soon.
I recalled that days by finding his call on the paddle!
Again I thank you, Steve for your generous offer. I'll love to use this fine instrument as one of favorite paddles.