

Please be adivised that, 

My Blog articles written in Japanese since 2004 till 2021 is now archived at

   伝心庵だより (2004-2021) (seesaa.net)

After 2021, I'm running blog at 

   以心電信 blog (livedoor.blog)



PSE QSY TO https://cw.at.webry.info/


See you at Tokyo Hamfair 2017 & Morse Summit 2020

I'm going to attend 2017 Tokyo Hamfair & 2020 Morse Summit.

The 2017 Tokyo Hamfair will be held on 2nd & 3rd September, 2017 at Tokyo BigSight Exhibition Center.
I will attend at A1CLUB, CWnoSato, FISTS East Asia or JARL CW special booth.
Details for A1CLUB and CWnoSato booths are available here
After 1st day of Hamfair (from 18:00 on 2nd Sept), A1CLUB will host a party so called "QRM PARTY" at Shinbashi. This party is open to all CW lovers. If you are in Tokyo on 2017-9-2, don't miss it! Details are availble here.

Another big event is now announced.
In May 2020, we (main host is Morse-Mie and sub host is A1CLUB) will hold a worldwide gathering of CW lovers in Japan.
Still we have 3 yeras to 2020. So if you have been thinking  to visit Japan someday. You should choose the last week of May of year 2020.
For details please refer to the website here and please contact me if you have any question.



Last October, I had to put down all antenna system from the balcony due to rain leak.
After one month without antenna I've put up a broadband non-radial vertical antenna.
But its performance was too poor to send decent signal to DX in this poor condition.
So, I'm frequently log on the CWCOM lately.
CWCOM is a free software that can simulate CW QSO via internet.
There is no thrill of HF propagation such as QSB, QRN, QRM but we can enjoy CW ragchew with stable condition.
I'm waiting at channel:1000 every night around 10PM local time  (13:00UTC) before bath time.
See you at CWCOM!


My RBN activity

My RBN activity result in 2015 shows,
I am mainly send CQ on 40m bands. That's it.
On higher bands I usually take search and pounce style, so the RBN activity doen't show real activity of the station.


"Quality over quantity"

My policy in hamradio is "Quality over quantity"
One conversational QSO makes me satisfy much more than hundreds' contest like QSOs.



I've been Mt.Fuji with XYL on August 27 and 28.
It was tough form me.
On Aug. 27.
We arrived at Lev.5th where 2300m a.s.l. at 11:30 by bus and started to climb.

 At 16:30 we arrived at Lev.8th where 3100m a.s.l.

 Beautiful view from the Lev.8th.
 After short rest at the cottage "Taishikan"  at 23:30 we started to climb again for the summit.
At 04:20, finnaly we arrived the top of Mt Fuji where 3776m a.s.l. !!
 When arrived the summit was rain, but it was changed to sleet and getting windy,
So, just 30min stay at the summit, we started to climb down.

 During the long long down way, we could enjoy awesome view of mountain range "Minami apls" etc.
 Finally We arrived at Lev.5th at 9:30AM on Aug.28.
It was 2nd time in my life to climb up Mt Fuji.
The first time was when I joined the company at age of 23. We went there with some guys who joined the company at the same time and stay at the company's dormitory.
And this time with my wife Kyoko. For her it was the first time in her life.
It was tough for us. But it was a precious time for us too.