Today was very nice weather after cold rainy days.
My ham friend JF1OSL who is also my big boss at office has been planning to install HEXBEAM since several months ago. However, he could not isntall it due to his busy work or bad weather, etc.
Then, finally today, the HEXBEAM has been installed on his roof top.
I visited his house 9:30AM, then started assembling.
Another friend JR1NHD joind around 11AM, then we could finish assembly before 1PM.
After that pro-worker made final installation on the top of the mast.
Around 5PM, it's up and running successfully.
Congratulations & FB DX!
This is very interesting because I am also planning to install HEXX on the top of the mast over 730V-1. I am afraid that the antennas affect each other. If possible, I would like to know about this point.
Hi Aki-san!
According to my experience, when I installed a MINIMULTI's rotary dipole under HEXBEAM, no affection was observed.
And my friend JR1NHD who is 10 years long time user of HEXBEAM has same experience.
However this time, after install HEXBEAM above the 730V-1, SWR of 730V-1 has been worse very much.
We cloudn't believe that is due to affection from HEXBEAM.
My friend will check the reason of bad SWR on 730V-1 is really due to HEXBEAM or not soon when he has time.
So, I'll let you know if I get further info from him.
vy 73, Atsu
Well, the DP antenna just under the HEXBEAM is for 40, 20, 15m bands.
Now I heard good news from my friend.
Today he checked the 730V-1, and found lose contact of balun connector.
After tightening them, SWR became less than 1.5 for all 7MHz band.
Thank you Atsu-san
It is very good news ! In fact, my 730V-1 antenna is affected by the V/U Yagis even though they are very small sized. However, I don't know when I can install HEXX itself Hi Hi.
Yes, don't worry. HEXBEAM is very nice small beam antenna which is the best choice for JA hams whose land estate is limited.
I hope to hear your signal from HEXX soon!
It's my home? Hi
ANT, House color and more.
my home?
ant, house color and more... Hi
Hi Jun-san
Yes, next is your turn.
I'm looking forward to hearing your installation schedule soon.
I'm ready to assist you.
vy 73! Atsu
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