I love CW. I enjoy both International Morsecode and Japanese Morsecode. As a non-native English speaker, CW chat by English language is a big challenge for me. But QRQ chat by English sounds very cool!
I bought HB-1A, a 3-band (40/20/30m bands) 4W QRP transceiver, made by BD4RG. It was 24800JPY including transportation and handling charge through ICAS Enterprises. Its clear LCD display indicates, - Frequency with full digit. - input DC voltage, - S-meter level
Inside view, mostly SMD is used.
Comparing with similar concept rig, KX1 side by side. Size: KX1 is smaller than HB-1A Weight: KX1 is lighter tha HB-1A. Material:HB-1A's case is made of iron. KX1's case is made of Alminum. Functions: No RF Gain control on HB-1A Continuous RF Gain control on KX1.
4 filter setting (900/700/500/400) on HB-1A. Continuous setting from 500Hz to 2KHz on KX1.
KX1: Many commands are available for user HB-1A:Very few commands are open to the user.
Following video clips were recorded on 40m band. HB-1A have inter-mod from to strong broadcasting signal. ATT must be on for normal operation under strong signal in the same band. KX1 has much better inter-mod performance.
I1QOD Alberto makes excellent bug and paddles in Italy. I found his reputation on eham.net 3 mmonths ago and I ordered one of his bug keys. 3 months have been passed and the key finally arrived at my house last week! It is all brass standard version. It's shining gold on my operation desk!
This is the first time to use double lever type for bug key. I need more practice to become familiar with it. But I can't wait to show up on the air :-)
Calling CQ (1)
Little faster! This is my max. speed (^^;
I used this bug key only few hours so far, but it is obiously the most excellent bug key that I have ever used. This bug key is the best for QRQ operator. Since I'm not QRQ operator now, I must keep K4VIZ Right Angle Bug for ordinary speed operation.
Yesterday, I worked two US stations on 14050KHz, I called CQ SKCC there, I put QRV info on K3UK SKED PAGE
On this weekend Oct-10th & 11th, 2009, I went to JA0 area with 7 friends from A1 Club. During this weekend, All City & All Gun Contest, one of the major domestic contest is held by JARL. We operated A1 Club station JO1ZZZ at wonderful cottage owned by one of my friend. The cottage is very large and land estate is wide enough to deploy a full size 160m band dipole. As expected, we started drinking before start of the contest...:-p