Driving plan was as follows;
The final destination: Inn “Minami-Izu”
The distance to the final destination of the spa inn “Minami-Izu” is 166km.
We select the route as flat as possible since my car is the E/V (Nissan Leaf, Electric Vehicle).
In this route we stopped at the free quick charge station of Nissan dealer at 106km point.

Main event is to visit i-ZOO. i-ZOO is Japan’s largest zoo of reptiles and amphibian where we can directly touch not only turtles and armadillos but also snakes and lizards.http://izoo.co.jp/
My daughter is interested in the reptiles and she wanted to visit i-ZOO initially.
Nevertheless, she was scared and didn’t touch the snakes, etc.
Have you ever touched the snakes?
Snake’s skin is smoother and colder than I thought.
The most surprising discovery in my half century life is that it’s not wet and it doesn’t smell at all.
On the way to the inn, we visited a quiet shrine just besides of see coast.
We stayed at Inn Minami-Izu and enjoyed delicious fish dishes and nice open-air bath.